Recovering from addiction is both physically and mentally challenging. At DWH Medical Center, located in Allentown and Quakertown, Pennsylvania, Danny Hernandez, MD, CIME, provides Suboxone® prescriptions and addiction recovery support to help you regain control of your life. If you’re ready to get sober and want medical help and support, call DWH Medical Center or schedule a consultation online today.
request an appointmentWhat is SuboxoneⓇ?
Suboxone is a prescription medication that combines buprenorphine (a partial opioid agonist) and naloxone (a pure opioid antagonist) to combat addiction. Suboxone helps to reduce your cravings for opioid substances such as prescription painkillers or heroin while also reducing your withdrawal symptoms.
While you don’t need to be part of an in-patient recovery program, Suboxone is only available with a prescription and must be taken with a doctor’s supervision.
How does Suboxone help treat addiction?
Dr. Hernandez prescribes Suboxone as part of a wider addiction recovery strategy. Unfortunately, there’s no miracle treatment for addiction, but with the help of compassionate clinical experts like Dr. Hernandez, you can have a successful recovery.
Suboxone works in two ways. First, it blocks the opiate receptors in your brain, which reduces your physical cravings for the drug. Suboxone also reverses the effects of opioids in your system, which controls your withdrawal symptoms. Ultimately, it provides you with mental and emotional clarity, so you can focus your energy on processing and resolving any issues that led to your addiction and may be disrupting your efforts to fight your addiction.
Your Suboxone prescription is designed to taper off as you work toward sobriety. Over time, your physical and mental compulsion to use opioid substances declines and your Suboxone dose decreases until eventually, you can live without any drugs. Remember, you will have good days and bad days, but Dr. Hernandez is always available to help you through the tough times.
What should I expect while taking Suboxone?
During your Suboxone treatment and addiction recovery, you’ll have frequent appointments with Dr. Hernandez. He monitors your overall health, withdrawal symptoms, and can talk to you about other challenges you might face while you recover from addiction. He may suggest you have addiction counseling or find a support group.
Suboxone is most effective when it’s part of a wider addiction recovery plan that includes individual and group therapy. Ideally, it relieves your symptoms and provides clarity of mind so you can focus your energy on recovery and adjusting to living without illicit substances.
You don’t have to fight addiction on your own. Dr. Hernandez offers customized treatments to help you on your journey to sobriety. Call DWH Medical Center today or schedule a consultation online today to learn more.